
日本对战时中国的认识——满铁的若干对华调查及其观点 被引量:7

Japan's Understanding of China during the War: Some Studies of China by the South Manchurian Railway Company and Their Views
摘要 20世纪30年代以来满铁的若干对华调查,反映了日本对战时中国的认识和侵华政策意向。满铁经调会的“特殊调查”和个人调查偏重于农业与农村。中心人物大上末广坚持中国社会封建性固定论,目的在于尽快利用中国社会既有结构,推行日本备战的“总力战”体制。冀东、江南农村实态调查和无锡工业调查,都是与日本对沦陷区军政统治相衔接的“把握社会结构基础实态”之举,同时也贯穿着调查始作俑者伊藤武雄所说的“三角地带论”,即在与共产党新四军相对抗的同时,对长江三角洲采取某种怀柔政策,并“不战而取”全华中。中国抗战力调查的主导者是中西功等左翼调查员,由于他们把中国抗日战争性质和中国社会性质联系起来,深刻分析了中国抗战力的消长变化,所以他们的调查作为日本对华诱降急需的战略情报而备受军部关注。也正因为它只是情报,所以不具有改变侵略国策的回天之力。 Several studies of China undertaken in the 1920s and 1930s by the South Manchurian Railway Company reveal Japan's understanding of China during the war and its policy intention to invade China. The 'special investigations' and private investigations of the Economic Investigation Committee of the South Manchurian Railway Company focused on agriculture and the countryside. Daijo Suehiro,the central figure, maintained that Chinese society was firmly feudal. His aim was to use the existing structure of Chinese society as quickly as possible to carry out Japan's system of 'total mobilization' in preparation for war. The investigations of the real conditions of the countryside of east Hebei and the lower Yangtze region, and the investigations of industry in Wuxi were all Japanese attempts at 'grasping the basic conditions of the social structure' linked their military and political rule over occupied areas. At the same time, these investigations were dominated by the 'Yangtze Delta Theory' of Ito Takeo, the creator of the investigations. The theory tried to oppose the CCP and the New Fourth Army by taking a kind of conciliatory policy in the Yangtze delta, and thereby take central China 'without a battle.' The investigations on China' s resistance forces were guided by Nakanish Tsutomu and other left-wing investigators. Because they linked the nature of China's resistance war against Japan with the nature of Chinese society, and made an in-depth analysis of the ebb and flow of China's resistance forces, their investigations were greatly valued by Japan' s Military as much-needed strategic information to be used by Japan to lure China into surrender. It was also because they merely provided information, that the investigations had no power to change Japan's state policy of aggression.
作者 解学诗
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期89-112,共24页 Modern Chinese History Studies
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