
Research on motion compensation method based on neural network of radial basis function

Research on motion compensation method based on neural network of radial basis function
摘要 The machining precision not only depends on accurate mechanical structure but also depends on motion compensation method. If manufacturing precision of mechanical structure cannot be improved, the motion compensation is a reasonable way to improve motion precision. A motion compensation method based on neural network of radial basis function(RBF) was presented in this paper. It utilized the infinite approximation advantage of RBF neural network to fit the motion error curve. The best hidden neural quantity was optimized by training the motion error data and calculating the total sum of squares. The best curve coefficient matrix was got and used to calculate motion compensation values. The experiments showed that the motion errors could be reduced obviously by utilizing the method in this paper. The machining precision not only depends on accurate mechanical structure but also depends on motion compensation method. If manufacturing precision of mechanical structure cannot be improved, the motion compensation is a reasonable way to improve motion precision. A motion compensation method based on neural network of radial basis function(RBF) was presented in this paper. It utilized the infinite approximation advantage of RBF neural network to fit the motion error curve. The best hidden neural quantity was optimized by training the motion error data and calculating the total sum of squares. The best curve coefficient matrix was got and used to calculate motion compensation values. The experiments showed that the motion errors could be reduced obviously by utilizing the method in this paper.
作者 Zuo Yunbo
出处 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第S2期215-218,共4页 Chinese Journal of Scientific Instrument
基金 supported by the Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China(51275052) the Project of Science and Technique Development Plan of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education(KM201311232022)
关键词 MOTION COMPENSATION NEURAL network RADIAL BASIS function motion compensation neural network radial basis function
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