AIM:To investigate the regeneratio n of p eripheral nerve after side-to-side neurorrhaphy and its quality and sou r ce.METHODS:Twenty rabbits were divided randoml y into Group A and Group B(n= 10).The left common peroneal nerve and t ibia nerve were exposed,and then c ommon peroneal nerve was tr ansected.In group A,the distal seg-ment of common peroneal nerve was kep t closely to neighboring tibia nerve at the site of 1. 5cm.Then epineurium an d perineurium of two neighboring segments were incised longitudinal ly for 0.5cm to expose the nerve fibers.Finally the epineurium and perineur ium of two nerves were anastomosed side-to-side.In group B,the distal segment of common peroneal nerve and neighboring tibia nerves were anast omosed with end-to-side neurorrhap hy.At 12week after operation,injected w i th horseradish peroxidases(HRP),the distal segment of common peroneal nerve was performed antidromic track-ing.The nerve regeneration was evaluated by mo rphology and histochemis try study.RESULTS:The injured nerves of two groups re ge nerated obvously after 12weeks and there was no significant di fference in the quality of regenerat ion.Peripheral nerve regeneration can b e achieved after side-to-side neurorrhaphy and its r egeneration quality is simi lar to th at of the end-to-side neurorrhaphy.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation