自 2 0世纪 5 0年代始流行于唐诗研究界的王维“亦官亦隐”说 ,其实是一种错误的认识。其原因在于 ,“亦官亦隐”之说 ,不仅有违于唐王朝“干部政策”的历史真实 ,而且亦与王维生活的历史实况相去甚远。正因为如此 ,故唐代无“亦官亦隐”之例 ,而为研究者“标贴”于王维身上的“亦官亦隐”或“半官半隐”说 ,自然也就属子虚乌有之辞。
The theory of “half official, half hermit' which has become popular in the field of studies on poems of the Tang Dynasty since 1950s is a kind of misunderstanding, since it goes against not only the history of official policy in the Tang Dynasty but also WANG Wei's real life. Therefore, the theory of “half official, half hermit' has no grounds
Tangdu Journal