运动曲面求交通常采用曲面求交算法 ,通过反复迭代求取曲面交线 ,没有考虑运动曲面自身的特性进行求交简化 由于运动曲面不同运动瞬间的曲面交线之间存在必然联系 ,因此通过对曲面内在属性分析 ,提出了运用运动曲面不同运动瞬间曲面交线相似性进行运动曲面求交的优化算法 首先对两个运动曲面的基曲面进行预处理 ,获取表征曲面交线拓扑的特征点 ;根据特征点分布图确定不同运动瞬间曲面交线起始点搜索策略 ,采用跟踪法动态调整步长和跟踪方向求解整个交线环 采用文中方法可以有效地解决运动曲面的子环、奇点遗漏、分支跳跃、乱序跟踪和初始点求取问题 ,精确、鲁棒。
Commonly, surface/surface intersection algorithm is used repeatedly to solve the intersection problem of a pair of moving surfaces When both surfaces are moving along a straight line, coherence exists in the successive sets of intersection curves, this fact can be utilized to accelerate the process of solution This paper proposes an optimized approach based on topology similarity First, it pre processes surfaces to achieve topology transition points (TTP) which indicate the topological features of intersection loops According to TTP graph, the initial point searching strategy and intersect curve topology can be fixed, and then all of the intersection loops can be calculated by tracing algorithm The algorithm can handle degenerate cases such as loop vanishing and singularity point vanishing, calculating the intersection loops robustly and effectively
Journal of Computer-Aided Design & Computer Graphics
国家教育部博士点基金 ( 2 0 0 0 0 3 3 5 5 4)
浙江省自然科学基金( 60 0 110 7)