通过多次对滇西北高山流石滩野外实地考察、标本鉴定并查阅有关文献 ,建立数据库统计得到流石滩种子植物共计 2 9科、 1 0 3属、 51 9种。其中中国特有植物 2 95种 ,占总数的56 8% ,滇西北特有植物 54种 ,占 1 0 4%。有 1 0种属的分布区类型 (包括 7个变型 ) ,北温带分布类型最多 ,占总属数的 47 5%。在整个高山流石滩中 ,草本有 455种 ,占总数的 87 7% ,其中多年生草本 42 1种。流石滩植物中具有多种生态、生理适应方式 ,低矮平卧状植株、莲座状、垫状、极矮小草本、密集丛生是植物的重要适应方式。根茎及发达的肉质根或木质根是典型流石滩上的主要适应方式 ,分别占植物总数的 1 9 7% ,31 0 %。果实中干果共计 51 8种 ,其中蒴果 2 98种。由于流石滩处于生态脆弱区 ,人为干扰易对生态系统造成危害。本文对流石滩种子植物多样性组成分析 ,为合理保护和利用流石滩植物资源提供基础资料。
Seed plant diversity of screes of northwest Yunnan has been studied at present paper based on herbarium and literature records and field investigations.There are 519 seed-plants found on the screes in northwest Yunnan.Those plants are grouped into 103 genera and 29 families.The areal-types of genera have been analyzed.47.5% genera belong to the north temperate distribution pattern based on Wu's distribution pattern.And 56.8% species are endemic to China including 10.4% are endemic to northwest Yunnan.The ecoclimatic adaptation in both morphology and physiology of the scree plants was also investigated.Herbs are dominant in alpine screes including 421 perennial herbs.Low and trailing plant,rosette form,extreme low herb,and cluster plants,rhizoma,well developed fleshy or ligneous roots and dominant dehiscent fruits are the important characters of the typic alpine screes which demonstrate the well coevolution between the plants and environment.Meanwhile,the use of the plant resources on screes has been discussed.Some advices on conservation of the fragile ecosystem of alpine screes and using the plant resources properly has been suggested.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica
云南省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 0 0 0C0 0 70M
2 0 0 1C0 0 10Z)