
辽朝史料整理中的问题——《全辽金文》(上)读后记 被引量:3

Problems Concerning the Compilation of Historical Materials of the Liao Dynasty ——Comments After Reading A Complete Collection of Liao and Jin Texts, Vol. One
摘要 北方民族文化研究资料整理工作,向称难事。新出版的《全辽金文》上册:辽朝史料的汇辑整理,其工作不精,底本与校本的选择及作品的收录等存在明显差误;编撰方面等也欠妥欠佳。辽朝史料历来以简陋著称,研究整理多需文物考古资料的弥补。该书却漏收考古新资料80余篇(目),涉及总字数10万以上。 It is difficult to collect and sort out the data on the research into the culture of ancient nationalities in the North of China. It requires that the compilers should have solid academic capabilities. The first volume of Data of Dynasty Liao and Dynasty Jin has been published recently. However, the sorting out of historical materials in Dynasty Liao is not delicate enough. In addition, there are obvious mistakes in choosing the first edition and the revised edition, and collecting the works. The capability to compile is not qualified. Actually the historical materials in Dynasty Liao are simple and inadequate. Therefore, the work of research and sorting out depends on the complement of archaeological materials. The first edition and the revised edition on which 'Data of Dynasty Liao and Dynasty Liao' is based are the academic achievement of the comporary scholars. The pursuit of historical materials for 'Data of Dynasty Liao and Dynasty Jin' should be continued. However, more than eighty new data were not collected in the first volume, totaling more than 0.1 million words. In all, the sorting out of the historical and cultural data needs solid academic style.
作者 任爱君
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第1期3-10,共8页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 辽朝 史料整理 《全辽金文》(上) 读后记 Liao Dynasty sorting out of historical materials Data of Dynasty Liao and Dynasty Jin postscript of reading
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