目的 为了提高临床治疗下腰椎疾病的效果 ,我们把下腰椎不稳综合征用生物力学的观点作为一个疾病名称提出。方法 对 30例下腰椎不稳综合征进行了手术前后临床体征、X线、CT或MRI的对比分析。结果 发现二个以上的腰椎间盘突出症、继发性腰椎管狭窄症、腰椎滑脱、腰骶部隐性裂等下腰椎疾病均与下腰椎不稳综合征之间有着生物力学的内在密切关系。结论 对于下腰椎不稳综合征的患者手术过程中除了解除病因外 。
Objective To present the principle of the biomechanics for lower lumbar spine instability and stability lumbar instrumentation of clinical application. Methods Patients who underwent operation between Junuary 2001 and May2003 were evaluated by taking,clinical symptom,X-Ray of the lowen lumbar spine,CT or MRI.Followed up time everaged 1.8years. Results The discovered inherent relationship beween lower lumbar spine instebelity and degenerative spondyloliathesis. Conclusion According to the principle of the biomechanise for lower lumbar spine instability,their clinical effect can be satisfactiorily obtained using intervertebra placed bone and instrumentation.
The Journal of Bone and Joint Injury