粒子系统是在计算机图形学领域解决复杂物体建模、渲染的有效方法。针对构建三维模型库子系统———三维特殊效果库的几个关键环节的研究与实现进行了总结。这其中包括针对典型三维特殊效果进行粒子系统建模 ,对特殊效果库进行结构设计 ,以及对三维特殊效果模型的封装、存储和管理等过程。该效果库的建立为特殊效果模型的使用和重用提供了便利 ,对构建协同建模环境、沟通模型开发和仿真运行环境都具有积极的意义。
Particle system is effective method to solve the modeling of complex objects in computer graphics. This paper discusses the building three-dimension special effects model base, which is a subsystem of three-dimension model base. It includes modeling of typical special effects based on particle system, designing the structure of special effects model base, encapsulating, depositing and managing models, and so on. The whole process is very useful for building collaborative modeling environment and bridging model development and simulation environment.
Electro-Optic Technology Application