中华文化是由多民族、多区域文化汇聚而成的一体多元的大文化。黄河流域的周文化与长江流域的楚文化是构成华夏文化的两大源头。楚文化曾为中国古代文明作出过重大贡献 ,其精神内核是构成中华民族精神的重要因素。湘楚文化是楚文化的延续与发展 ,曾经深刻影响 2 0世纪中华民族精神的形成。要培育和构建新时代民族精神 ,就必须挖掘中华民族的优秀文化传统 ,提倡符合民情、富有特色的人文精神 ,汲取世界各民族优秀的精神成果 。
Chinese Culture is combined by multi-folk culture and multi-region culture. Zhou Culture of Huanghe valley and Chu Culture of Changjiang valley are the headstream of Hua Xia Culture. Chu Culture once contributed a lot for Chinese Ancient civilization. Its kernel is the most important element to compose Chinese Ethos. Chu Culture developed into Xiangchu Culture, which influenced the formation of Chinese Ethos in the 20th century. It' important for us to excavate the magnificent Chinese culture tradition, advocate special humanism and absorb every nation's magnificent culture.
Journal of Hengyang Normal University