在理论分析的基础上 ,采用有限元分析软件 ANSYS,对 DZJ- A型全自动快餐具纸浆模塑生产线的热压干燥模具加热过程中的工作表面温度分布和温度时间历程进行了模拟仿真。由分析可知 ,现用的镶嵌式加热板模具在加热干燥过程中盒盖与盒身的温度场分布不均是影响纸餐盒成型质量的主要原因。将仿真计算结果与实测值相比较 ,二者基本吻合。可在此基础上对模具进行结构优化 ,并以计算机模拟仿真实验来代替常规实验 ,从而提高生产效率 ,降低产品的成本。
On the base of theory analysis about thermal transfer process, this thesis simulated the temperature distribution and time history on the work surface aided by the thermal analysis module in the ANSYS program for the hot pressing dry mould. Through analysis, we know that the main reason effecting formation quality of snack container is the temperature distribution which is not uniform on the surface of the insetting hotplate mould. In comparison with the result of actual measure, the analog simulation result is close. Secondly,the hot pressing dry mould has been structural optimized on the base of temperature field analysis in this thesis. Additionally, the mould after structural optimized can be experimented by computer analog simulation and takes the place of normal experiment. Meanwhile, the heat period is shortened, the productivity is raised, and the pro-duct cost is brought down in the mould after structural optimization.
Light Industry Machinery