中国近代高等教育虽始自 190 2年的《壬寅学制》 ,但至 1912年的《壬子学制》及 1913年的《癸丑学制》 ,始进入真正近代高等教育的实施范围。到 192 9年 ,国民政府颁布了《大学组织法》、《专科学校组织法》以及教育部公布的《大学规程》与《专科学校规程》 ,中国的高等教育才步入正常的发展轨道 ,形成了以多学科综合性大学为高等教育的第一层次 ,以多学科或单学科的独立学院为第二层次 ,以多学科或单学科的专科学校为第三层次的中国高等教育体系 ,并由单科型高等教育向综合型与研究型方向发展。中国近代高等教育的发展 ,截至 195 2年的院系调整为止 ,是符合于世界高等教育发展总趋势的。
It is generally acknowledged that China's higher education came into being with the practice of the educational systems of renyin,renzi and gui chou in 1912 and 1913.The promulgotion of rules of organization of universities and training schools by the central government and the publication of university and training school regulations by the Ministry of Education indicated that China's higher education was put on the right track and its orientation gradually turned from specialized learning to synthetical learning and research.The development of China's higher education till 1952 was in accordance with the trend of world higher education.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)