
脑瘫患儿周围神经显微缩小术后肌力恢复研究 被引量:3

Effect of muscle stimulating instrument on patients with cerebral palsy after microsurgical neurotomy of peripheral nerves
摘要 目的观察肌兴奋治疗仪在脑瘫患儿下肢周围神经显微缩小术后康复治疗中的作用。方法将 77例接受周围神经显微缩小术治疗的下肢痉挛脑瘫患儿术后分为治疗组 (3 9例 )和对照组 (3 8例 ) ,前者在常规康复训练的基础上加用肌兴奋治疗仪治疗 ,后者仅进行常规康复训练。于肌兴奋治疗仪治疗前、治疗 1个疗程及术后 3个月、6个月时 ,分别对 2组患儿相应肌肉平均肌力进行评定 ,同时评定 2组患儿术后 3个月、6个月的运动功能改善情况 ,并进行组间比较。结果治疗组患者肌力提高和运动功能改善情况均明显好于对照组 (P <0 .0 1)。结论脑瘫患儿下肢周围神经显微缩小术术后 ,在康复训练的同时应用肌兴奋治疗仪可加快肌力恢复和运动功能改善。 ObjectiveTo observe the effect of muscle stimulating instrument on patients with cerebral palsy after microsurgical neurotomy of peripheral nerves.Methods77 patients with cerebral palsy after microsurgical neurotomy of peripheral nerves were divided into the treatment group (39 cases) and the control group (38 cases). Patients of two groups were treated with routine rehabilitation training, but muscle stimulating instruments treatment was added to patients of the treatment group. The muscle strength and motor ability of patients of two groups were followed up and compared.ResultsThe muscle strength and motor ability of the treatment group were better than that of control group during follow-up period( P<0.01).ConclusionMuscle stimulating instrument can accelerate the recovery of muscle strength and motor ability in patients with cerebral palsy after microsurgical neurotomy of peripheral nerves.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2004年第2期92-93,共2页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
关键词 脑性瘫痪 康复 痉挛 显微神经切断术 肌兴奋治疗仪 cerebral palsy rehabilitation spasticity microsurgical neurotomy muscle stimulating instrument
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