稠油热采矿场实例分析研究结果表明 ,当注蒸汽开采进行到一定时间时 ,不管是普通稠油 ,还是特、超稠油 ,累积产油量、累积注汽量之间在双对数坐标系下均呈现出较好的线性关系。根据该函数是产出量与注入量的关系而定名为注采曲线法。鉴于其不能对未来进行预测 ,提出了应用注采曲线法同HCZ模型相结合对现场注入蒸汽及稠油产量进行预测的方法。
Thermal heavy oil recovery case study showed that there is better linear relation between lgN P and lgS P ,during the certaln stage of thermal heavy oil recovery,where N P is cumulation oil production, S P is cumulation steam injection,neither normal thermal nor special or exceed thermal.The functionis called injection-production-curve method for the relation of production and injection.Because it can not predict the future index,this paper combine the injection-production-curve method with HCZ model ,find the method of predicting steam injection and heavy oil production. This method is proved to be good .
West-China Exploration Engineering