明清以来区域经济的普遍开发 ,促进了地域文化的多元发展。人们对地域文化差异和地域传统的认识 ,随着交通和传播的发达而加深。与地方志编纂相伴的地方性文学总集、选集和诗话不断涌现 ,使文学的地域传统日益浮现出来 ,并在人们的风土和文化比较中得到深化 ,由此形成与经典文本所代表的“大传统”相对的地域性的“小传统”。这种小传统以方志、总集和领袖人物的影响等多种力量左右着地方的文学风气 ,同时成为文学批评中重要的参照系。当小传统与大传统在审美趣味和创作观念上出现差异 ,趋向不一致时 ,小传统往往具有更大的影响力。透过清代诗学 ,可以清楚地看到小传统与大传统的互动 。
The development of regional economies in the Ming and the Qing dynasties promote d diversity in regional cultures. More convenient communication and better media brought about better understandings of regional cultural differences and tradit ions. With compilation of collected and selected regional literary works and s hihua (remarks on poetry), together with that of local histories, pictures of regi onal literary traditions stood out increasingly in the comparisons of customs an d cultures. Regional “little traditions” took form as against the “great trad ition” based on classic texts. The “little tradition” strongly influenced reg ional literature through various factors such as local histories, collected regional l iterature works and leading figures, providing a major reference framework for l iterary criticism. Interactions may be observed between the great and the little traditions, giving rise to regional literary traditions.
Social Sciences in China