近代英国民众休闲生活史的研究开始于 2 0世纪 5 0年代 ,初期的研究者及研究成果都非常有限 ;70年代 ,休闲史研究得到主流学术界认可 ,并出现了很多优秀的研究者和著作 ;80年代 ,其它学科的研究方法得到利用 ,促进了休闲史研究的发展 ;90年代以来 ,研究学者更多 ,研究深度和广度前所未有。在 5 0多年的研究中 ,学者们讨论了休闲文化的两极分化、民众休闲的萎缩、休闲生活变迁原因以及休闲革命影响范围等一些重要问题 ,并形成了一些公认的结论。此外 ,休闲史研究充分利用了各种资料 。
The research of modern English people's leisure history began in 1950s, researchers and achievements were all scarce during this period. The research of leisure history got acceptance from mainstream academia in 1970s, and a considerable number of excellent researchers and works emerged. In 1980s, the leisure history research had been promoted taking advantage of the means of other branches of learning. Since 1990s, more scholars were engaged in this research, and the depth and scope of study were improved. In more than 50 years, scholars discussed some significant problems and reached to some accepted conclusions. Those topics were about the polarization of culture, the shrinkage of people's leisure life, the transformation reasons of people's leisure life and the extension of influence of leisure revolutionary. Additionally, scholars utilized all kinds of information and promoted the leisure history research.
Collected Papers of History Studies