为了解决数控系统开发中数据实时采集与显示的问题,在介绍了PMAC(ProgrammableMulti AxisController)的数据采集方式的基础上,讨论了Win32应用程序与PMAC之间通信的原理,重点说明了在VC(VisualC++)环境下对PMAC进行数据实时采集与显示的方法。在开发的凸轮轴磨床数控系统中利用该技术,获得了满意的效果,从而为数控系统的开发提供了一种新思路。
To resolve the problem of data acquisition and display in the design of CNC system, the theory of communication between Win32 applications and PMAC and the method of data acquisition under the environment of Visual C++,are described in detail on the basis of analyzing the means of data acquisition on PMAC. A satistisfactory result is achieved by applying this technology to the development of CNC system for a camshaft grinding machine,thus a new idea is presented for the design of CNC system.
Journal of Beijing Institute of Machinery