2Fabre, Michel. The World of Richard Wright. Mississippi: U of Mississippi P, 1985.
3Kodama, Sanehide. "Japanese Influence on Richard Wright in His Last Years: English Haiku as a New Genre. " Tamkang Review 15.1 -4 (1984- 1985) : 63 -73.
4Tener, Robert. "The Where the When the What: A Study of Richard Wright' s Haiku. " Critical Essays on Richard Wright. Ed. Yoshinobu Hakutani. Boston, MA: G. K. Hall, 1982.273-96.
6Robert, Tener. "The Where the When the What: A Study of Richard Right's Haiku," Critical Essays on Richard Wright ( Massachusetts : G.K. Hall. 1982 ) 273 - 296.
7木内徹,"Zen Buddhism in Richard Wright' s Haiku," Valley Voices 8 ( 2008 ) 18 - 34.
8Hakutani, Yoshinobu. "Richard Wright' s Haiku, Zen, and the African Prireal Outlook upon Life, "Modern Philology 104(2007)510-28.