本文通过统计调查资料的对比 ,从行政生态学的角度 ,对电子政务进行“行政管理—行政环境”的互动分析 ,提出了电子政务在不同环境条件下的可选策略组合 ,提出了我国电子政务发展应当避免的政策陷阱。认为中国当前电子政务建设的基本目标 ,是在转变公共产品和服务的生产方式的过程中 ,建立适应“以信息化带动工业化”需要的“双棱柱型”电子政务模式 ;中国电子政务主要的发展空间在于从技术应用和政府管理信息化向前推进 ,即适时全面进行政府流程再造和建立服务型政府 ,并结合中国国情有重点地推进社会主义民主政治建设 。
We analyse the interactions between administrative management and its environment in e administration from the perspective of administrative ecology, and suggestions on strategic options in various contexts. The current priority is to build up a “biprism” model that satisfies “an information technology led industrialization” in the process of transformation of production mode of public products and services. The development of e administration in China depends mainly on the application of technology and digitalization in government administration. There will be an overall restructure of administrative procedures, and a transformation of the government's role towards service provision. Based on this, a model for e administration will emerge suited to Chinese conditions and promoting socialist democracy. We also warns of some possible policy pitfalls in the development of e administration in China.
Social Sciences in China