中国人民银行和银监会的职责分工是修改《中国人民银行法》与制定《银行业监督管理法》的重要背景。这两部法律对二者的职责作了相对清晰的界定 ,对其职责协调问题亦有一定规定。虽然两法的实施绩效尚待观察 ,虽然在具体实施中仍会产生各种问题 ,但它们的出台 ,对于加强人民银行的宏观调控、规范银监会监管职责的履行、防范和化解金融风险、促进金融体制改革 ,无疑具有重大意义。
The distribution of responsibilities between the People' Bank of China and the Bank Supervision committee background the amendment of the Law of the People's Bank of China and the drafting of the Law of Bank Supervision and Administration. The two laws clearly distribute respective responsibilities and provide some regulations about the coordination of the responsibilities, although the efficiency of the implementation of them still need to be probed into, and there are various problems in the realistic implementation. The birth of the two laws undoubtedly provide great significance in strengthening the Macro-regulation of the People's Bank of China, standardizing the performance of the responsibilities of the Bank Supervision Committee, reducing financial crises and accelerating the reform of financial institutions.
Journal of Gansu Political Science and Law Institute