目的 研究经不同方法局部注射13 1I 碘化油后对瘤体的损伤效应。方法 建立SMMC 772 1肝癌皮下移植瘤大鼠模型 ,分别采用直形注射针线状退行注射 ( 3条线 )和弧形套针单点分段旋转扇形注射法 ,经皮向肿瘤内注射13 1I 碘化油 ( 0 .1× 37MBq/cm3 ) ,观察给药后一定时间段大鼠体重、肿瘤大小的变化和动物存活时间 ,同时以穿刺针和小剪刀取材按常规方法制备病理切片和超薄切片 ,观察并比较两种给药方法肿瘤组织的形态学变化。结果 直形针给药组大鼠在注射后 2周多数表现为体重下降 ,肿瘤增大 ,最后都死于全身耗竭 ;而弧形针组大鼠体重相对稳定 ,肿瘤组织表现为均匀坏死 ,缓慢崩溃 ,动物存活期明显比前者长。直形针给药组肿瘤组织早期表现为大片的组织坏死 ,晚期表现为存活区域的增加 ,坏死区域与存活区域界限分明 ,两者间多有移行带 ;弧形针分段扇形注药者早期、晚期组织均表现为大片坏死 ,肿瘤间质内可见淋巴细胞浸润和纤维结缔组织增生 ;各时间段的检测标本中都可见一定数量的凋亡细胞 ,但比例远远小于坏死的肿瘤细胞。结论 弧形针分段扇形注射是较为理想的给药方式 ;“坏死”是治疗剂量13 1I
Objective To investigate the damage effect of 131 I iodinated oil internal radiation in hepatoma. Methods SMMC 7721 rat hepatoma model was used to evaluate the damage of 131 I iodinated oil internal radiation in carcinoma. 131 I iodinated oil was injected sector shapely into tumor model of SMMC 7721 hepatoma with arc needle, matched with routine straight needle injection. Tumor damage induced by 131 I iodinated oil intraleision radiation in the carcinoma models are recorded through survival time, weight of rat, local carcinoma, pathology, electron microscopy. Results Arc needle injection 131 I iodinated oil in SMMC 7721 hepatoma at subcutis could increase rat′s survival time, the body weight kept less descent, the lumps necrosed wholely. Pathology and ultrastructure detection revealed cell necrosis and collapse, sever nuclear damage was observed in the death cells. The early characteristics of necrosis such as margination of heterochromatin was also found in some tumor cells. Besides, well differentiated tumor cells, degenerative tumor cells and some lymphocytes were seen. Conclusion Arc needle injection 131 I iodinated oil step by step sector shapely into tumor is a better method and necrosis the major effect of 131 I iodinated oil internal radiation in carcinoma at the level of treated dosage.
Suzhou University Journal of Medical Science