采用(SCL-90)身心症状自评量表,对我国5省市6所大学以足球运动为身体锻炼手段和以非足球运动为身体锻 炼手段及大学生群体的心理健康状况进行调查测评,结果表明,不同的身体锻炼内容对心理健康的影响存有差异,经常 参与足球运动对促进大学生的心理健康效果更为显著。
A survey and evaluation on the college students' mental health with the method of body and mind self- evaluation form(SCL-90) in 6 universities of 5 Provinces shows the difference between people who are involved in football and people who not do it.It also result shows that different contents of physical exercises result in differences of the effect on mental health. Those who often join the football games show a more significant result in mental health.
Journal of Jilin Sport University