本文力图把当前软件开发技术和Java技术领域中逐渐成熟的设计模式和方法,引入到WebGIS基础开发框架的设计中,以提高框架的可设计性和简化应用开发;表现层中引入MVC模式,数据访问层使用对象一关系映射技术,逻辑层提供有关空间操作的Java APIs(Java Application Program-ming Interface).以此作为框架的基本组成单元.基于Java平台对这个框架的原型进行了实现。以期能为WebGIS框架设计提供一个有意义的参考实现。
In this paper, for enhancing the design capacity and simplifying the application development, we try to design preliminary a development framework for WebGIS by import the new successful fruits in software development techniques and Java tech domain. Importing the MVC design patterns into presentation layer, using Object/Relation Mapping in the data-accessing layer, and providing elementary Java APIs relevant spatial operations, are the basic composing units of the framework. Finally, we design and implement the framework prototype, which is totally based on java. We hope to have referenced value, in some extent, to the WebGIS framework design.
Control & Automation