The paper reviews stomatal types observed in 500 species of angiosperms besides thosedescribed in the literature and deals with the problems of their structure, delimitation, nomenclature andclassification. In view of the varied definitions available in the literature for subsidiaries, stomatal types and,the definition and delimitations being variously interpreted by different workers, a modified definition forthe subsidiaries and stomata is presented. In accordance with the international code of nomenclature forplants, the names of the stomata widely in use are retained (rule of priority). They have been presentlyclassified as pericytic, desmocytic, paracytic, diacytic, anisocytic, anisotricytic, isotricytic, tetracytic,staurocytic, anomocytic, cyclocytic and a good number of varieties under each type are presented. Thesestomatal types are recognised on the basis of their structure rather than its ontogenetic pathways.