软土地基中工业厂房的柱下桩基在长期堆载作用下易产生较大的侧向位移和位移累积 ,从而引起厂房出现危险甚至坍塌。本文采用有限元法 ,通过对不同的地基处理方案进行对比分析研究 ,结合某工业厂房堆场的地基处理优化设计 ,讨论分析了软土地基中工业厂房堆场的地基处理措施与方法。
Based on the research of soft soils under overloading,it is found that the pile foundations of industrial building may produce considerable displacement due to surcharge loads and make the building in a dangerous state or collapse. So finite element analysis is herein employed to evaluate the behavior of interaction between soil and pile foundations,and the effects of some typical ground treatment methods are analyzed,then several measurements for the industrial building foundations on soft soils subjected to surcharge loads are proposed.
Structural Engineers