From February 1988 till Februa-ry 1991,40 cases with the local rel-apse of postoperative mammary can-cer were treated with intratumoralinjection of 2% amethocaine absol-ute alcohol solution.The relapsefoci bisappeared in 28 of 40 cases(70%)after one injection.During7—36 months follow-up,2 of 40cases had a relapse,one of them di-ed of metastatic carcinoma of lungs.Up to now,the other 37 cases havehad no relapse.In eomparision ofiths method with others,it is belie-ved that the method is easy in ado-ption,safe and effective and econo-mical,less painful to patients andhardly causes complications.It is anew therapy and worth extending.