根据森林生态系统的特征和服务功能的内涵 ,采用物质量和价值量相结合的评价方法 ,使用市场价值法、影子工程法、生产成本法、机会成本法定量评价了武陵源自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能经济价值。结果表明 :武陵源自然保护区森林生态系统服务功能价值平均每年达 2 0 5× 1 0 5万元 ,其中各分项的生态服务价值为 :涵养水源 :1 2 2× 1 0 4 万元 ,水土保持 :3 2 2× 1 0 3万元 ,固定CO2 :6 5 4× 1 0 3万元 ,释放O2 :7 1 6× 1 0 3万元 ,净化服务 :8 98× 1 0 3万元。 2 0 0 2年旅游服务价值为 1 6 7× 1 0 5万元。
Forest is one of the most complicate terrestrial ecosystems in the world and plays an important role in sustaining the global life system. Forest services include water conservation, prevention of soil erosion, climate regulation, environmental purification, biodiversity conservation and recreation. Based on the characteristics and connotation of forest ecosystem services, the physical and value assessment methods, including market value method, shallow engineer method, production cost method and opportunity cost method, were used to evaluate the forest ecosystem services in Wulingyuan Natural Reserve. The results showed that the total annual services value of forest ecosystem in Wulingyuan Natural Reserve were up to 2 05×10 9 Yuan (RMB), of which 1 22×10 8 Yuan for water conservation, 6 54×10 7 Yuan for CO 2 absorption, 7 16×10 7 Yuan for O 2 release, 3 22×10 7 Yuan for soil fertility conservation, 8 98×10 7 Yuan for environmental purification and 1 67×10 9 Yuan for forest recreation in 2002.
Scientia Silvae Sinicae