作者根据《史记》有关战国秦汉时期西部政治地理、经济地理与民族地理的记载与论 述,对司马迁的西部人文地理思想作了探讨,认为司马迁是历史上较早关注西部并进行了理 论总结的学者。作为西汉杰出的思想家与史学家,司马迁对西北历史地理特别关注,作了不 少精辟阐述,主要反映在对西北政治地理格外看重,提出了“夫作事者必于东南,收功实者 常于西北”的重要论断;此外还对司马迁的西部经济地理及民族地理思想作了探讨。
The author analyses Sima Qian's thought on human geography of wes t China from three aspects. Sima Qian especially paid attention to political g eography of the northwest China, and he put forword a famous idea that although political events more often occurred in the southeast, results more in northwest ; Sima Qian divided west area into three economic regions as Guan-zhong(关中) plain, Hanzhong(汉中) basin and Chengdu(成都) plain which had most important e conomic significance, Sima Qian was quite anxious for changes of customs result ing from the market conditions in the regions, because they went against the s ecurity of the capital of Han dynasty. As for ethnologic geography, Sima Qian ad mitted that west minorities such as Hun(匈奴), Qiang(羌) and other are all origi ned from same ancestry of Yan and Huang peoples. Sima Qian advocated placatory policy to minorities who were distributed in southwest region while firmly defea ting their invasion. Sima Qian was a prior scholar who paid attention to the hum an geography of the west region .
Social Sciences in Yunnan