贵阳市旅游饭店人力资本投资取得了一定的成绩。但同时存在着对人力资本投资认识不科学 ,人力资本结构不合理 ,产权机制不健全 ,培训师资力量不足、教育体制落后的问题 ,饭店业的现实困难又进一步阻碍了饭店业的人力资本投资。因此 ,树立科学人力资本投资观和以人为本的管理意识 ,规范旅游劳动力市场的人才流动 ,保障人力资本投资企业的合法权益 ,给旅游饭店提供必要的外界支持 ,调整旅游教育方向 ,重组我省旅游教育科研资源 ,是解决贵阳市旅游饭店人力资本投资存在问题的出路所在。
Tourist restaurants have made progresses in human capital investment in Guiyang.However, human capital investment is not cared,the structure of human capital is not right,the right of the poterty is not clear,training teachers is absent,educational system is backward,low proficingcy prevent the restaurant to invest in it.so building the option of scitific human capital investment and the management on the basis of human,regularizing the market of the labour,protecting the legal rights of the enterprises that invest in human capital,providing the enterprises with the indispensable outer supporting,modifying the oritention of the education and the resourse of education is key to resolve the problem of human capital investment.