目的 :了解广东地区围绝经期综合征的患病情况及其影响因素。方法 :采用统一的调查问卷 ,对广东省 9个地区的 44 89例 4 0~ 6 5岁围绝经期妇女进行调查。结果 :在 4 4 89例被调查者中 ,出现围绝经期综合征者 30 5 7例 ,发生率为 6 8.1% ,其中以心理症状、躯体症状为主 ,分别为 85 .9%、86 .0 % ,最为痛苦的是失眠 ,肌肉、骨关节疼痛 ,烦躁 ,头晕。性欲下降情况农村高于城市 ,而心理症状、血管舒缩症状、泌尿生殖系统症状城市高于农村。躯体症状、性欲下降情况随着年龄的增加患病率相应增加 ,5 1~ 6 0岁为患病高峰。心理症状、躯体症状、性欲下降情况、泌尿生殖系统症状随着月经的改变而逐渐升高。未怀孕者的心理症状、躯体症状、血管舒缩症状、性欲下降均高于曾怀孕者 ,泌尿生殖道症状在足月妊娠、人工流产、早产者的患病机率高。患病与年龄、职业、婚姻状况、文化程度、家庭人口、经济收入、孕产次、月经、是否服用激素等密切相关。出现围绝经期综合征后就医者仅占 2 8.8% ,农村高于城市 ,分别为 31.5 % ,2 6 .6 %。结论 :应加强围绝经期妇女的保健工作 ,尤其是心理保健 ,以减少躯体疾病的发生 ,缓解围绝经期症状 ,提高生活质量。
Objective:To investigate sickness status and the influence factors of perimenopausal syndrome in Guangdong.Methods: Using unified questionnaire, 4 489 perimenopausal women aged 40~65 from 9 areas in Guangdong were surveyed. Results:3 057 women suffering from perimenopausal syndrome, the morbidity rate was 68.1%, mental symptom and body symptom were top leading factors,they were 85.9% and 86.0% respectively.Among these symptoms, insomnia, muscle and bone joint pain, impatient and dizziness were most distressful. Libido decrease in rural area was higher than that in city area, mental symptom, vasomotion symptom and genitourinary tract symptom in city area were higher than that in rural area. The incidences of body symptom and libido decrease morbidity rate along with age increasing, 51~60 years old was peak. Mental symptom, body symptom, libido decrease and genitourinary tract symptom gradually rised along with menstrual alteration. Mental symptom, body symptom, vasomotion symptom and libido decrease were higher in women unconceived than that in those conceived, the incidence of genitourinary tract symptom with term pregnancy, artificial abortion and premature birth was high. The episode was close correlated with age, job, marriage, status, culture degree, family population, economic income, times of gestation and parity, menorrhea and whether or not take hormone. Women with premenopausal symptom received medical treatment was 28.8%, rural area was higher than city area, they were 31.5% and 26.6%. Conclusion:Health service of primenopausal women should be strengthened, especially psychological health to reduce occurrence of body disease, remit primenopausal symptoms and improve quality of life.
Maternal and Child Health Care of China
20 0 0年广东省卫生厅科研基金资助