运用逻辑推理和资料分析的方法 ,以军事理论发展和体育科技创新为背景 ,提出了“军事体育的内涵和外延在不断扩大 ,一般身体素质标准不断走向模糊 ,大众体育逐渐走进官兵日常生活 ,设施器材改革日趋紧迫和重要 ,体育大目标将会得到更多体现”等军事体育的九大发展趋势。
On the basis of materials and logical inference, this paper discusses the development trends of military sports under military theory development and sports technology innovation circumstances, i.e. the trends in the connotation and extension of military sport, the standards for common physical quality, sports for all, equipment reform and the ultimate mission of sports etc.