在我国目前的资本市场上 ,MBO正在逐步走向成熟 ,并形成自己独特的运作方式和新的热点。但由于我国资本市场双轨制的特殊结构以及制度和法律的缺陷 ,在实施MBO的过程中 ,往往造成国有资产流失 ,股东权益受损等负面影响。其弊端尚须通过规范MBO的制度加以解决。
In the capital market of our country, MBO is gradually getting mature. Meanwhile, it has formed the unigue operating styles and the advantages. However, because of the special structure and system of double track system in the capital market of our country and the problems of law, in the process of operation, there may arise the negative influences such as running off state-owned property, vialating share holder's rights. These problems should be solved by the standardization of the MBO system.
Commercial Research