The incompletely two - conduct crime (crime of indirect intent) is the crime that the offender acts with the intention to carrying out the second conduct, while merely the first conduct satisfies the constitutional elements and the second conduct does not. Indirect intent may well make up of the incompletely two - conduct crime. Whether the intention of the incompletely two - conduct crime has been realized or not affects neither the establishment of crime, nor the identification of the accomplishment of crime. A person who exercises the second conduct, which is the intention of the crime, should be sentenced to different quantities of crime according to four distinct circumstances. Whether a person without the special intent and a person with the special intent co -operate the first conduct of the incompletely two - conduct crime constitutes complicity, and whether the subsequent offender participates in the second conduct constitutes complicity, should both be respectively judged by the criminal provision, the theory of criminal partialness and different circumstances.
China Legal Science