目的:提高临床医师对糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹机制、临床症状以及治疗措施的认识。方法:回顾性分析我院近期成功缓解1例糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹患者症状的诊疗过程及复习相关文献。结果:此例患者为中年女性,诊断为2型糖尿病(T2DM) 13年,血糖控制不佳,住院期间诊断为糖尿病性动眼神经麻痹,予以降糖、扩血管、营养神经等一系列对症支持治疗后好转出院。结论:对于糖尿病患者,伴头部、眼眶疼痛及视物模糊、复视,应考虑此病可能,与其他疾病鉴别,避免漏诊、误诊。
Objective: To get a deeper understanding of the mechanism, clinical symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of diabetic oculomotor palsy among clinicians. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed for diagnosis and treatment of one patient with diabetic oculomotor palsy, and the relevant literature was reviewed. Result: The patient, a middle-aged woman, had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) for 13 years, with poor blood glucose control. During hospitalization, diabetic oculomotor palsy was diagnosed. The patient was given a series of essential treatment, such as glycemic control, vascular dilation and neurotrophic treatment, and then he was improved and discharged. Conclusion: For patients with diabetes mellitus complicated by headache, orbital pain and blurred or double vision, the possibility of diabetic oculomotor palsy should be considered to avoid misdiagnosis.
Advances in Clinical Medicine