

An Exploration of the Idea of State Governance in Marx’s The Civil War in France
摘要 当今世界处于百年未有之大变局的新阶段,怎样推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化,从而有效应对治理任务与风险挑战,并进而为实现第二个百年奋斗目标提供坚实保障,成为不得不回答的时代课题。正是坚持马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,寻找治理智慧,挖掘已有资源还需追本溯源至马克思的《法兰西内战》,这是马克思在总结巴黎公社运动的经验教训基础之上所撰写的、蕴含着丰富的国家治理思想的著作。从巴黎公社的治理当中可以看到:打碎旧的国家机器,坚持无产阶级专政,是建立无产阶级政权的必要性;确立国家治理主体,明确主体对象是强调人民主体地位的重要性;经济治理公有化、政治治理民主化、社会治理自治化是巴黎公社治理的主要内容;始终坚持党的领导、以人民为中心、完善国家治理制度是马克思国家治理思想的时代启迪。 At a time when the world is in a new phase of unprecedented changes, the question of the times has to be answered as to how to promote the modernisation of the national governance system and governance capacity, so as to effectively address the challenges of governance and risks, and thus provide a solid guarantee for the achievement of the second century goal. It is precisely by adhering to the guiding position of Marxism in the ideological sphere, searching for wisdom on governance and tapping into existing resources that we need to trace our roots back to Marx’s The Civil War in France, a work written by Marx on the basis of the lessons learned from the Paris Commune movement, which contains a wealth of ideas on state governance. From the governance of the Paris Commune, we can see that: breaking up the old state apparatus and upholding the dictatorship of the proletariat was the necessity of establishing proletarian power;establishing the subjects of state governance and specifying the objects of the subjects was to emphasise the importance of the subjectivity of the people;making economic governance public, political governance democratic and social governance autonomous were the main elements of the governance of the Paris Commune;always adhering to the leadership of the Party, putting the people at the centre and improving the system of state governance were the main elements of the governance of the Paris Commune. The inspiration of the times is Marx’s thought on state governance.
作者 陈丹阳
出处 《哲学进展》 2023年第7期1312-1317,共6页 Advances in Philosophy
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