

Analysis of Flowering Characteristics of Different Individual Plants of Mountain Gardenia
摘要 通过对34株山栀的花器官进行调查、分析和评价,筛选出优良单株,为后续优良品种培育审定和种质资源的开发应用提供科学依据及理论支撑。本研究运用表型多样性分析、主成分分析、相关性分析以及聚类分析对34份山栀花部性状数据进行分析。结果显示:34份山栀材料的8个花部性状的变异系数只有单株开花数和花期两个性状大于15%,说明只有单株开花数和花期两个性状的变异较大,多样性更丰富,其余性状都较稳定。提出2类主成分,第一主成分占比最多,比较重要,说明划分山栀的主要标准和依据是它的花部大小性状指标。露白花径、花丝长度、萼管长度、雌蕊长度与单株开花数和花期不存在相关性;其余花部性状之间关系密切,一方会随着另一方的变化而变化。聚类分析把34份山栀材料聚为3类,第一类各方面数据不突出,第二和第三类群花期较长,单株开花数多,可用作园林观赏和染料生产。经过综合分析,挑选出了8份表型性状较优的山栀材料。 Through the investigation, analysis and evaluation of the flower organs of 34 mountain gardenias, excellent single plants were screened out, which provided scientific basis and theoretical support for the subsequent breeding and approval of excellent varieties and the development and application of germplasm resources. In this study, 34 horhoria traits were analyzed using phenotypic diversity analysis, principal component analysis, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis. The results showed that the coefficient of variation of the eight flower traits of 34 parts of mountain gardenia material was only greater than 15% for the two traits of flowering number and flowering period of a single plant, indicating that only the two traits of flowering number and flowering period of a single plant had greater variation and richer diversity, and the rest of the traits were relatively stable. Two types of principal components were proposed, and the first principal component accounted for the largest proportion and was more important, indicating that the main criterion and basis for dividing mountain gardenia was its flower size trait index. There was no correlation between white flower diameter, filigree length, corolla tube length, and pistils length on the number of flowers and flowering period of a single plant. The rests of the flower traits are closely related to each other, and one side changes with the other. Cluster analysis gathered 34 parts of mountain gardenia materials into 3 categories: the first type of data was not outstanding in all aspects, the second and third groups had a long flowering period, and the number of flowers per plant was large, which could be used for garden ornamentation and dye production. After comprehensive analysis, eight mountain gardenia materials with better phenotypic traits were selected.
出处 《农业科学》 CAS 2024年第4期502-513,共12页 Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences
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