高中函数内容具有高度的抽象性,而GeoGebra软件兼备几何、代数等功能,能将抽象的内容直观、动态地展示出来。本文将借助2022年全国I卷第22题,探究如何利用GeoGebra软件帮助教师突破高中函数教学中的难点,为激发学生学习兴趣,促进学生的数学核心素养的养成提出建设性建议。The content of high school functions is highly abstract, while the GeoGebra software has both geometric and algebraic functions, which can intuitively and dynamically display abstract content. This paper will use the 22nd question of the 2022 National I paper as an example to explore how to use the GeoGebra software to help teachers break through the difficulties in high school function teaching, and propose constructive suggestions for stimulating students’ interest in learning and promoting the development of students’ mathematical core literacy.
Advances in Education