
Proposed Measures to Mitigate Energy Interruptions in Residential Sector

Proposed Measures to Mitigate Energy Interruptions in Residential Sector
摘要 This study investigates and analyzes the electric energy interruptions impact upon the residential sector in Riyadh city, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) resulting from severe power outages. The study results show that this sector which constitutes about 54% of the Saudi Electric Company in the Central Operating Area (SEC-COA) will suffer enormous tangible and intangible losses should occur in specific times, seasons and last for longer durations. The results obtained for the costs of these energy interruptions reveal a time-dependent non-linear outage cost variation. In order to reduce these energy interruptions and hence mitigate their adverse effects and consequences, the study proposes proper practical measures and solutions without compromising the consumers’ needs and convenience. This study investigates and analyzes the electric energy interruptions impact upon the residential sector in Riyadh city, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) resulting from severe power outages. The study results show that this sector which constitutes about 54% of the Saudi Electric Company in the Central Operating Area (SEC-COA) will suffer enormous tangible and intangible losses should occur in specific times, seasons and last for longer durations. The results obtained for the costs of these energy interruptions reveal a time-dependent non-linear outage cost variation. In order to reduce these energy interruptions and hence mitigate their adverse effects and consequences, the study proposes proper practical measures and solutions without compromising the consumers’ needs and convenience.
机构地区 EE Department
出处 《Journal of Power and Energy Engineering》 2017年第6期50-63,共14页 电力能源(英文)
关键词 ENERGY INTERRUPTIONS RESIDENTIAL SECTOR LOSSES Severe Power OUTAGES Energy Interruptions Residential Sector Losses Severe Power Outages
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