
The Combination of BIM Technology with the Whole Life Cycle of Green Building 被引量:1

The Combination of BIM Technology with the Whole Life Cycle of Green Building
摘要 In the rapid development of modern cities, the construction of green low-car</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">- </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">bon livable cities and the realization of energy-saving and beautification of buildings </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">are</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:""> now being strongly promoted and ha</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">ve</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">become an important indicator of urban development. With the implementation of green building and BIM technology, the combination of BIM technology with green building is a new momentum in the development of the construction industry. The application of BIM can make the quantitative management of green buildings in the whole life cycle, get rid of the shackles of traditional models, make the design and construction process more accurate, and also make the whole pro</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">cess of green buildings more standardized. Among them, the core of BIM is the information model, and the core of green building is: low energy consum</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">ption, green and sustainable. This paper firstly explains the concepts and advantages of BIM technology and green building, and separately elaborates the significance of using both in the construction field. Secondly, the current development status of BIM technology and green building is obtained by studying and analyzing the development status and connection between them. Finally, combining BIM technology in the whole life cycle of green building, analyzing the current situation and advantages and disadvantages of using the combination of green building and BIM in actual engineering, clarifying the importance of using BIM in the whole life cycle of green building, and highlighting the combination of BIM technology and the whole life cycle of green building as an important tool for the future development of the construction industry. In the rapid development of modern cities, the construction of green low-car</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">- </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">bon livable cities and the realization of energy-saving and beautification of buildings </span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">are</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:""> now being strongly promoted and ha</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">ve</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">become an important indicator of urban development. With the implementation of green building and BIM technology, the combination of BIM technology with green building is a new momentum in the development of the construction industry. The application of BIM can make the quantitative management of green buildings in the whole life cycle, get rid of the shackles of traditional models, make the design and construction process more accurate, and also make the whole pro</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">cess of green buildings more standardized. Among them, the core of BIM is the information model, and the core of green building is: low energy consum</span><span style="white-space:normal;font-size:10pt;font-family:"">ption, green and sustainable. This paper firstly explains the concepts and advantages of BIM technology and green building, and separately elaborates the significance of using both in the construction field. Secondly, the current development status of BIM technology and green building is obtained by studying and analyzing the development status and connection between them. Finally, combining BIM technology in the whole life cycle of green building, analyzing the current situation and advantages and disadvantages of using the combination of green building and BIM in actual engineering, clarifying the importance of using BIM in the whole life cycle of green building, and highlighting the combination of BIM technology and the whole life cycle of green building as an important tool for the future development of the construction industry.
作者 Lili Pu Yueming Wang Lili Pu;Yueming Wang(School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, China)
出处 《World Journal of Engineering and Technology》 2021年第3期604-613,共10页 世界工程和技术(英文)
关键词 Green Building BIM Technology Life Cycle Green Building BIM Technology Life Cycle
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