
How University Athletics Can Impact Mental Health among Student Athletes at the University of Evansville

How University Athletics Can Impact Mental Health among Student Athletes at the University of Evansville
摘要 In recent years, the NCAA student athlete population in the United States has surpassed 500,000, and is continuing to rise each year [1]. These student athletes work their entire lives academically and athletically to reach the ultimate goal: competing in university athletics. However, when these athletes reach university, they are met with non-stop training, homework, exams, and evolving social lives. We have conducted a study at the University of Evansville evaluating how participation in university athletics may impact mental health status among these student athletes, as well as measuring players’ awareness of accessible mental health resources. Over fifty percent of participants reported experiencing at least one mental health condition while competing in their sport;eighty percent reported having knowledge of the mental health resources available to them on campus, however, nearly thirty percent of those knowledgeable reported not knowing how to access these resources. This has indicated a gap in awareness and utilization of mental health resources among student athletes at the University of Evansville. In recent years, the NCAA student athlete population in the United States has surpassed 500,000, and is continuing to rise each year [1]. These student athletes work their entire lives academically and athletically to reach the ultimate goal: competing in university athletics. However, when these athletes reach university, they are met with non-stop training, homework, exams, and evolving social lives. We have conducted a study at the University of Evansville evaluating how participation in university athletics may impact mental health status among these student athletes, as well as measuring players’ awareness of accessible mental health resources. Over fifty percent of participants reported experiencing at least one mental health condition while competing in their sport;eighty percent reported having knowledge of the mental health resources available to them on campus, however, nearly thirty percent of those knowledgeable reported not knowing how to access these resources. This has indicated a gap in awareness and utilization of mental health resources among student athletes at the University of Evansville.
作者 Claudia Hollis Blake Johnson Salma Gonzalez Sarah Harness Claudia Hollis;Blake Johnson;Salma Gonzalez;Sarah Harness(College of Education and Health Sciences, University of Evansville, Evansville, USA)
出处 《Health》 2024年第3期218-233,共16页 健康(英文)
关键词 Student Athlete Mental Health Mental Health Resources Student Athlete Mental Health Mental Health Resources
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