
Functional Rehabilitation of Disc Herniation Treated with Combined Therapy

Functional Rehabilitation of Disc Herniation Treated with Combined Therapy
摘要 Current researches reveal that the number of cases diagnosed with operated lumbar disc herniation is growing rapidly, which should draw an increased attention to the treatment used. The objective of this study is to perform a comparative analysis between the application of a classical physical-kinetic program and the application of a combined kinetic program. This research will be conducted on 20 subjects with ages, between 40 - 50 years old, in INEMRCM Bucharest, for 14 days - 1 hour a day. Each subject underwent an invasive surgery for lumbar disc herniation on the L5-S1 vertebrae. During the research, the 2 patients will be given a physical-kinetic program, adapted to the pathology of the operated lumbar disc herniation. The purpose of this research is to check the efficiency of each kinetic program. Furthermore, through the muscular and articular evaluation made in the initial phase and the final phase, it will be possible to discuss the comparative evolution of the established kinetic program and the functional gain obtained. In conclusion, the research shows that mechanized therapy results in faster functional rehabilitation and physical exercise substantially improves quality of life. Current researches reveal that the number of cases diagnosed with operated lumbar disc herniation is growing rapidly, which should draw an increased attention to the treatment used. The objective of this study is to perform a comparative analysis between the application of a classical physical-kinetic program and the application of a combined kinetic program. This research will be conducted on 20 subjects with ages, between 40 - 50 years old, in INEMRCM Bucharest, for 14 days - 1 hour a day. Each subject underwent an invasive surgery for lumbar disc herniation on the L5-S1 vertebrae. During the research, the 2 patients will be given a physical-kinetic program, adapted to the pathology of the operated lumbar disc herniation. The purpose of this research is to check the efficiency of each kinetic program. Furthermore, through the muscular and articular evaluation made in the initial phase and the final phase, it will be possible to discuss the comparative evolution of the established kinetic program and the functional gain obtained. In conclusion, the research shows that mechanized therapy results in faster functional rehabilitation and physical exercise substantially improves quality of life.
作者 Ramona Delia Arsani Marius Stoica Carmen Gherghel Ramona Delia Arsani;Marius Stoica;Carmen Gherghel(National University of Physical Education and Sports, Bucharest, Romania)
出处 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2023年第11期472-486,共15页 临床医学国际期刊(英文)
关键词 Lumbar Disc Herniation REHABILITATION Physical Therapy Lumbar Disc Herniation Rehabilitation Physical Therapy
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