
Blood Calcium as a Protective Factor against Traumatic Fracture

Blood Calcium as a Protective Factor against Traumatic Fracture
摘要 Purpose: This study aims to investigate the predictive value of blood calcium in the prognosis of traumatic fracture. Methods: A retrospective experimental design was employed, 112 cases (52 non-fracture and 60 traumatic fracture) were randomly selected. The type of fracture complies with WHO-recommended (2019) diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis combined with fracture. The blood pressure (BP) was measured by OMRON’s HEM-7136 model electronic blood pressure monitor. Blood calcium (Ca<sup>2+</sup>), and blood phosphorus (P) values were measured using Colorimetric Roche kits on a Roche/Hitachi fully automated biochemical analyzer. Data collection and analysis followed. Results: Higher levels of age, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were found in the traumatic fracture group compared to the control group, whereas weight, height, and blood phosphorus did not differ significantly (P adjusting for age, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and blood phosphorus, binary logistic regression analysis revealed that blood calcium was a protective factor against traumatic fracture (β = -26.85, OR = 0.00, 95% CI = 0.00 -0.02, P = 0.022). Conclusion: The findings suggest that high and low blood calcium levels may serve as useful indicators in predicting the prognosis of fractures resulting from trauma. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the predictive value of blood calcium in the prognosis of traumatic fracture. Methods: A retrospective experimental design was employed, 112 cases (52 non-fracture and 60 traumatic fracture) were randomly selected. The type of fracture complies with WHO-recommended (2019) diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis combined with fracture. The blood pressure (BP) was measured by OMRON’s HEM-7136 model electronic blood pressure monitor. Blood calcium (Ca<sup>2+</sup>), and blood phosphorus (P) values were measured using Colorimetric Roche kits on a Roche/Hitachi fully automated biochemical analyzer. Data collection and analysis followed. Results: Higher levels of age, systolic and diastolic blood pressures were found in the traumatic fracture group compared to the control group, whereas weight, height, and blood phosphorus did not differ significantly (P adjusting for age, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, and blood phosphorus, binary logistic regression analysis revealed that blood calcium was a protective factor against traumatic fracture (β = -26.85, OR = 0.00, 95% CI = 0.00 -0.02, P = 0.022). Conclusion: The findings suggest that high and low blood calcium levels may serve as useful indicators in predicting the prognosis of fractures resulting from trauma.
作者 Xin Zhang Quanquan Zhang Yinjun Luo Tao Feng Yue Hu Ying Li Wenjing Yu Linghan Guo Jinhua Wang Suchan Liao Xin Zhang;Quanquan Zhang;Yinjun Luo;Tao Feng;Yue Hu;Ying Li;Wenjing Yu;Linghan Guo;Jinhua Wang;Suchan Liao(School of Basic Medical Sciences, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, Baise, China;Modern Industrial College of Biomedicine and Great Health, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, Baise, China;Department of Physiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, Baise, China)
出处 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第3期328-336,共9页 生物科学与医学(英文)
关键词 Traumatic Fracture FRACTURE Biochemical Indicators Blood Calcium Prognostic Value Traumatic Fracture Fracture Biochemical Indicators Blood Calcium Prognostic Value
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