
Implementation and Evaluation of Infertility Reflection in Early Pregnancy after the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Feasibility Study

Implementation and Evaluation of Infertility Reflection in Early Pregnancy after the Use of Assisted Reproductive Technology: A Feasibility Study
摘要 <strong>Background: </strong>This study aims to evaluate the infertility reflection in early pregnancy after assistive reproductive therapy (ART), including 1) process evaluation (the use and evaluation of infertility reflection) and 2) outcome evaluation (satisfaction of care needs, anticipatory anxiety towards the loss of a pregnancy or fetus, cognition of infertility experience, and depression and anxiety). <strong>Methods: </strong>This program evaluation study used a one-group pre-post-test design. The participants were 50 primiparas who had undergone ART at two fertility treatment facilities in a metropolitan area in Japan. For the infertility reflection, they conducted an online reflection. Data were collected three times: at the 5th week of pregnancy (Time 1), the 8th week of pregnancy as the final consultation at the clinic (Time 2), and the 16th week of pregnancy as the final point of early pregnancy (Time 3). <strong>Results: </strong>The data from 40 participants were analyzed. More than 80% of the users of the online reflection positively evaluated the appropriateness and usefulness of the methods and contents. Organized thoughts and feelings by reflection were shown as the reasons for the usefulness. The evaluation of the online reflection showed a relatively strong correlation with the Care Need Satisfaction Scale (CNSS) for both Time 2 and Time 3, but the online reflection did not show a significant correlation with the other outcome variables. There were no significant differences in outcome variables between users and non-users of online reflection between Time 2 and Time 3. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> Attempts at the reflection in early pregnancy require modified methods that do not have a negative impact and lead to the fulfillment of needs. <strong>Background: </strong>This study aims to evaluate the infertility reflection in early pregnancy after assistive reproductive therapy (ART), including 1) process evaluation (the use and evaluation of infertility reflection) and 2) outcome evaluation (satisfaction of care needs, anticipatory anxiety towards the loss of a pregnancy or fetus, cognition of infertility experience, and depression and anxiety). <strong>Methods: </strong>This program evaluation study used a one-group pre-post-test design. The participants were 50 primiparas who had undergone ART at two fertility treatment facilities in a metropolitan area in Japan. For the infertility reflection, they conducted an online reflection. Data were collected three times: at the 5th week of pregnancy (Time 1), the 8th week of pregnancy as the final consultation at the clinic (Time 2), and the 16th week of pregnancy as the final point of early pregnancy (Time 3). <strong>Results: </strong>The data from 40 participants were analyzed. More than 80% of the users of the online reflection positively evaluated the appropriateness and usefulness of the methods and contents. Organized thoughts and feelings by reflection were shown as the reasons for the usefulness. The evaluation of the online reflection showed a relatively strong correlation with the Care Need Satisfaction Scale (CNSS) for both Time 2 and Time 3, but the online reflection did not show a significant correlation with the other outcome variables. There were no significant differences in outcome variables between users and non-users of online reflection between Time 2 and Time 3. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> Attempts at the reflection in early pregnancy require modified methods that do not have a negative impact and lead to the fulfillment of needs.
作者 Takayo Sakiyama Takayo Sakiyama(Department of Nursing, Ehime University Graduate of Medicine, Toon, Japan)
机构地区 Department of Nursing
出处 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2021年第6期477-488,共12页 护理学期刊(英文)
关键词 Infertility Reflection Online Support Program Assisted Reproductive Technology Early Pregnancy Program Evaluation Infertility Reflection Online Support Program Assisted Reproductive Technology Early Pregnancy Program Evaluation
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