
The Impact of Simulation Education on Self-Efficacy in Pre-Registration Nursing Students

The Impact of Simulation Education on Self-Efficacy in Pre-Registration Nursing Students
摘要 This literature review primarily aims to explore and synthesise the previous studies in simulation education research conducted over the past five years related to the effects of simulation training on the self-efficacy of undergraduate pre-registration nursing students. The second aim of this study is to explore additional outcome variables that were examined in the previous studies. Five electronic databases were searched systematically. These databases were MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, Scopus, Embase and PsycINFO. The PICO model was employed to identify the search terms, with a thesaurus being used to provide synonyms. Reference lists of relevant articles were examined and hand searches of journals were also undertaken. The quality of each study was assessed using the Simulation Research Rubric (SRR). A total of 11 studies were included. All studies explored the impact of simulation education on undergraduate pre-registration nursing. Six studies explored nursing students’ competence and performance and two papers examined their critical thinking. Problem solving, learning motivation, communication skills and knowledge acquisition were examined once. The majority of studies indicated that simulation training has a positive impact on pre-registration nursing students’ self-efficacy and other outcome variables. Furthermore, the study results indicate that simulation training is more dependable than traditional training, and students were extremely satisfied with the simulation training. However, most of the studies included in this review had several gaps, including study design, sample size and dissimilarities between the scales used. Further research with large samples, reliable and valid instruments, and outcomes measures (such as critical thinking and transferability of skills) is required to provide better insight into the effectiveness of simulation in undergraduate nursing education. . This literature review primarily aims to explore and synthesise the previous studies in simulation education research conducted over the past five years related to the effects of simulation training on the self-efficacy of undergraduate pre-registration nursing students. The second aim of this study is to explore additional outcome variables that were examined in the previous studies. Five electronic databases were searched systematically. These databases were MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, Scopus, Embase and PsycINFO. The PICO model was employed to identify the search terms, with a thesaurus being used to provide synonyms. Reference lists of relevant articles were examined and hand searches of journals were also undertaken. The quality of each study was assessed using the Simulation Research Rubric (SRR). A total of 11 studies were included. All studies explored the impact of simulation education on undergraduate pre-registration nursing. Six studies explored nursing students’ competence and performance and two papers examined their critical thinking. Problem solving, learning motivation, communication skills and knowledge acquisition were examined once. The majority of studies indicated that simulation training has a positive impact on pre-registration nursing students’ self-efficacy and other outcome variables. Furthermore, the study results indicate that simulation training is more dependable than traditional training, and students were extremely satisfied with the simulation training. However, most of the studies included in this review had several gaps, including study design, sample size and dissimilarities between the scales used. Further research with large samples, reliable and valid instruments, and outcomes measures (such as critical thinking and transferability of skills) is required to provide better insight into the effectiveness of simulation in undergraduate nursing education. .
作者 Ahmed A. Hakami Aisha Hussin Rabie Sultan Ghormallah M. Alzahrani Faisal Mohammed Alnakhilan Khalid Awaidhalharbi Ahmed A. Hakami;Aisha Hussin Rabie;Sultan Ghormallah M. Alzahrani;Faisal Mohammed Alnakhilan;Khalid Awaidhalharbi(College of Nursing, Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah, Saudi Arabia;Al-Noor Specialist Hospital, Makkah, Saudi Arabia;(MOH) Ministry of Health, King Fahad Hospital, Al Baha, Saudi Arabia;(MOH) Ministry of Health, Eradah Complex, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia;King Salman Medical City, Al Madinah, Saudi Arabia)
出处 《Open Journal of Nursing》 2024年第1期51-76,共26页 护理学期刊(英文)
关键词 Simulation Education SELF-EFFICACY Pre-Registration Nursing Students Clinical Skills Undergraduate Nursing Education Teaching Techniques DECISION-MAKING Simulation Education Self-Efficacy Pre-Registration Nursing Students Clinical Skills Undergraduate Nursing Education Teaching Techniques Decision-Making
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