
Etiologies of Chronic Renal Failure in Adolescent Patients at the University Hospital of Brazzaville 被引量:4

Etiologies of Chronic Renal Failure in Adolescent Patients at the University Hospital of Brazzaville
摘要 Objectives:?The aim of our work was to identify the etiologies of chronic renal failure in adolescent patients.?Patients and Methods:?This is a descriptive cross-sectional retrospective study that included adolescents aged 10 to 19 years hospitalized between January 2014 and December 2017 in the department of nephrology at the?University Hospital of Brazzaville. The CRF was defined according to the ANAES criteria by an estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 ml/min/?1.73?m2?of body surface.?Results:?Forty cases of CRF were collected, representing a prevalence of 4.9%. The average age was 16.32 ± 3.64 years and the sex ratio was 3. The most common mode of discovery was edematous syndrome 62.5%. The most common etiology was glomerular nephropathies 60%, hereditary nephropathies 25% and malformative uropathies in 15%. Ten patients (25%) had moderate CFR at admission, 62.5% had severe CRF, 12.5% had terminal CFR?and all of them died during the year.?Conclusion:?Epidemiological data CRF in adolescent patients in developing countries are scarce and limit treatment. Glomerular pathologies represent the most frequent etiology. Early treatment of chronic renal failure in childhood and multidisciplinary collaboration between pediatrician and nephrologist are necessary. Objectives:?The aim of our work was to identify the etiologies of chronic renal failure in adolescent patients.?Patients and Methods:?This is a descriptive cross-sectional retrospective study that included adolescents aged 10 to 19 years hospitalized between January 2014 and December 2017 in the department of nephrology at the?University Hospital of Brazzaville. The CRF was defined according to the ANAES criteria by an estimated glomerular filtration rate less than 60 ml/min/?1.73?m2?of body surface.?Results:?Forty cases of CRF were collected, representing a prevalence of 4.9%. The average age was 16.32 ± 3.64 years and the sex ratio was 3. The most common mode of discovery was edematous syndrome 62.5%. The most common etiology was glomerular nephropathies 60%, hereditary nephropathies 25% and malformative uropathies in 15%. Ten patients (25%) had moderate CFR at admission, 62.5% had severe CRF, 12.5% had terminal CFR?and all of them died during the year.?Conclusion:?Epidemiological data CRF in adolescent patients in developing countries are scarce and limit treatment. Glomerular pathologies represent the most frequent etiology. Early treatment of chronic renal failure in childhood and multidisciplinary collaboration between pediatrician and nephrologist are necessary.
出处 《Open Journal of Pediatrics》 2020年第1期168-174,共7页 儿科学期刊(英文)
关键词 ADOLESCENT ETIOLOGIES Chronic RENAL Failure Adolescent Etiologies Chronic Renal Failure
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