
Management of Acute Malnutrition in Children Aged 0 to 24 Months Boulbinet Health Center

Management of Acute Malnutrition in Children Aged 0 to 24 Months Boulbinet Health Center
摘要 Introduction: Malnutrition is a pathological state resulting from the relative deficiency or excess of one or more essential nutrients, whether manifested clinically or detected only by biochemical, anthropometric or physiological analyses. The overall objective was to assess the quality of management of acute malnutrition in children aged 0 - 24 months at the Boulbinet health center. Methodology: This was a prospective descriptive study lasting six (06) months from May 5 to October 5, 2018. The study included all children aged 0 to 24 months. Results: Acute malnutrition in children aged 0 - 24 months accounted for 2.11% of cases. The sex ratio was 1.41 in favor of males. The mean age of our patients was 5 months 7 days, with extremes of 1 month and 6 months. The majority came from Ra toma (40.24%). Exclusive breastfeeding was most common (54.02%). The main clinical signs were: pallor 49.42%, diarrhea 46.67, oral lesions37.96%. SAM represented 89.66% and MAM 10.34%. Most associated pathologies: anemia 49.42% and oral candidiasis 37.93%. In terms of outcome, we recorded 56.32% cures, 20.69% deaths, 18.39% dropouts and 4.60% cures. Conclusion: Improving the quality of care for malnourished children aged 0 - 24 months requires raising awareness among mothers and the general public of the consequences of malnutrition. Introduction: Malnutrition is a pathological state resulting from the relative deficiency or excess of one or more essential nutrients, whether manifested clinically or detected only by biochemical, anthropometric or physiological analyses. The overall objective was to assess the quality of management of acute malnutrition in children aged 0 - 24 months at the Boulbinet health center. Methodology: This was a prospective descriptive study lasting six (06) months from May 5 to October 5, 2018. The study included all children aged 0 to 24 months. Results: Acute malnutrition in children aged 0 - 24 months accounted for 2.11% of cases. The sex ratio was 1.41 in favor of males. The mean age of our patients was 5 months 7 days, with extremes of 1 month and 6 months. The majority came from Ra toma (40.24%). Exclusive breastfeeding was most common (54.02%). The main clinical signs were: pallor 49.42%, diarrhea 46.67, oral lesions37.96%. SAM represented 89.66% and MAM 10.34%. Most associated pathologies: anemia 49.42% and oral candidiasis 37.93%. In terms of outcome, we recorded 56.32% cures, 20.69% deaths, 18.39% dropouts and 4.60% cures. Conclusion: Improving the quality of care for malnourished children aged 0 - 24 months requires raising awareness among mothers and the general public of the consequences of malnutrition.
作者 Mohamed Lamine Diallo Mamadou Ciré Barry M’mah Aminata Bangoura Louis Philippe Diffo Mamadouba Bangoura Fatoumata Sacko Telly Sy Mohamed Lamine Diallo;Mamadou Ciré Barry;M’mah Aminata Bangoura;Louis Philippe Diffo;Mamadouba Bangoura;Fatoumata Sacko;Telly Sy(Pediatric Urgencies, Donka National Hospital, Conakry, Guinea;Pediatric Department, Ignace Deen National Hospital, Conakry, Guinea;Institute of Nutrition and Child Health (INSE), Conakry, Guinea;Boulbinet Health Center, Conakry, Guine;Gynecology-Obstetrics Department, H&#244,pital National Ignace Deen, Conakry, Guinea)
出处 《Open Journal of Pediatrics》 2024年第1期122-131,共10页 儿科学期刊(英文)
关键词 MANAGEMENT Acute Malnutrition CENTER Boulbinet Management Acute Malnutrition Center Boulbinet
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