
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the General Adult Population in Benin (Parakou 2022)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the General Adult Population in Benin (Parakou 2022)
摘要 Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a little-studied psychiatric pathology in our countries, and particularly here in Benin. Objectives: To calculate the prevalence and identify the factors associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among adults in the commune of Parakou in 2022. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study including subjects aged 18 and over. ADHD was assessed with the Adult ADHD Self Report Scale (ARSR-v1.1) and consequences with the Weiss functional impairment rating scale (WFIRS-S). Results: A total of 456 people were included in the study. The mean age of those surveyed was 25.9 ± 11.6 years. The prevalence of ADHD symptoms among the adults surveyed was 6.8%. The clinical form of ADHD with a predominance of inattention had a prevalence of 3.3%. After multivariate analysis, the factor associated with the presence of ADHD symptoms in adults in the commune of Parakou was: a poor relationship with the subject’s partner (p = 0.031, ORa = 6.5 [1.18-35.68]). Conclusion: ADHD is present in the community of Parakou and needs further attention. Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a little-studied psychiatric pathology in our countries, and particularly here in Benin. Objectives: To calculate the prevalence and identify the factors associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among adults in the commune of Parakou in 2022. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study including subjects aged 18 and over. ADHD was assessed with the Adult ADHD Self Report Scale (ARSR-v1.1) and consequences with the Weiss functional impairment rating scale (WFIRS-S). Results: A total of 456 people were included in the study. The mean age of those surveyed was 25.9 ± 11.6 years. The prevalence of ADHD symptoms among the adults surveyed was 6.8%. The clinical form of ADHD with a predominance of inattention had a prevalence of 3.3%. After multivariate analysis, the factor associated with the presence of ADHD symptoms in adults in the commune of Parakou was: a poor relationship with the subject’s partner (p = 0.031, ORa = 6.5 [1.18-35.68]). Conclusion: ADHD is present in the community of Parakou and needs further attention.
作者 Ataigba Ireti Nethania Elie Soumaoro Kémo Kamdem Kamgaing Claudel Kévin Tokpanoude Coovi Nonwanou Ignace Djossou Sègnon Eurydice Elvire Koivogui David Sinet Moussa Djibrilla Tognon Tchegnonsi Francis Gandaho Prosper Ataigba Ireti Nethania Elie;Soumaoro Kémo;Kamdem Kamgaing Claudel Kévin;Tokpanoude Coovi Nonwanou Ignace;Djossou Sègnon Eurydice Elvire;Koivogui David Sinet;Moussa Djibrilla;Tognon Tchegnonsi Francis;Gandaho Prosper(Faculté de Médecine & Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers et Obstétricaux, Université de Parakou, Parakou, Bénin;Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Départemental du Borgou Alibori: service de psychiatrie, Parakou, Bénin;Organisation Non Gouvernementale de Soutien, de Réhabilitation, d’Insertion et de Réinsertion (SouRIR ONG), Parakou, Bénin;Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Santé, Université Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry, Conakry, Guinée;H&#244,pital National Donka, CHU de Conakry: service de psychiatrie, Conakry, Guinée;Unité de Santé Publique, Faculté des Sciences de la Santé, Cotonou, Bénin;Faculté des Sciences de la Santé, Université André Salifou de Zinder, Zinder, Niger;H&#244,pital National de Zinder, Service de Psychiatrie, Zinder, Niger)
出处 《Open Journal of Psychiatry》 2023年第4期324-344,共21页 精神病学期刊(英文)
关键词 Attention Deficit Disorder Couple Conflict Drop In Performance Benin-2022 Attention Deficit Disorder Couple Conflict Drop In Performance Benin-2022
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