Fractal speed of light theory is a variation of Magueijo-Smolin varying speed of light (VSL) theoretical modification of Einstein’s energy mass relation. We use this theory to derive an exact value for the missing dark energy which is found to be in astonishing agreement with the latest result of the WMAP measurement and the independent supernova analysis. Thus while Einstein’s formula predicts 95.5% more energy than found in highly precise astrophysical measurement, our VSL- based calculation indicates an exact theoretical value of only 4.508497% real energy. Consequently, the exact conjectured missing dark energy must be 95.491502%. By any standards, this is an astounding confirmation for both the cosmological measurement and the VSL theory.
Fractal speed of light theory is a variation of Magueijo-Smolin varying speed of light (VSL) theoretical modification of Einstein’s energy mass relation. We use this theory to derive an exact value for the missing dark energy which is found to be in astonishing agreement with the latest result of the WMAP measurement and the independent supernova analysis. Thus while Einstein’s formula predicts 95.5% more energy than found in highly precise astrophysical measurement, our VSL- based calculation indicates an exact theoretical value of only 4.508497% real energy. Consequently, the exact conjectured missing dark energy must be 95.491502%. By any standards, this is an astounding confirmation for both the cosmological measurement and the VSL theory.