In economics, buyers and sellers are usually the main sides in a market. Game theory can perfectly model decisions behind each “player” and calculate an outcome that benefits both sides. However, the use of game theory is not lim-ited to economics. In this paper, I will introduce the mathematical model of general sum game, solutions and theorems surrounding game theory, and its real life applications in many different scenarios.
In economics, buyers and sellers are usually the main sides in a market. Game theory can perfectly model decisions behind each “player” and calculate an outcome that benefits both sides. However, the use of game theory is not lim-ited to economics. In this paper, I will introduce the mathematical model of general sum game, solutions and theorems surrounding game theory, and its real life applications in many different scenarios.
Luyuan Shi
Luyuan Shi(676 Parkside Dr, Jericho Senior High School, Jericho, NY, USA)