
Depolarization Effects of Incoherently Scattered Electromagnetic Waves by Inhomogeneous Magnetized Plasma Slab 被引量:1

Depolarization Effects of Incoherently Scattered Electromagnetic Waves by Inhomogeneous Magnetized Plasma Slab
摘要 Scattering of the electromagnetic waves by a randomly inhomogeneous electrically gyrotropic slab are studied using the perturbation method. Second order statistical moments of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered by the magnetized plasma slab are obtained using the boundary conditions for an arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Normalized correlation functions at quasi-longitudinal propagation along the external magnetic field are calculated for the carrier frequency 0.1 MHz and 40 MHz. Isolines of the normalized variance of Faraday angle are constructed for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function at various anisotropy factors of irregularities. Obtained results are in a good agreement with the experimental data. Scattering of the electromagnetic waves by a randomly inhomogeneous electrically gyrotropic slab are studied using the perturbation method. Second order statistical moments of the ordinary and extraordinary waves scattered by the magnetized plasma slab are obtained using the boundary conditions for an arbitrary correlation function of electron density fluctuations. Normalized correlation functions at quasi-longitudinal propagation along the external magnetic field are calculated for the carrier frequency 0.1 MHz and 40 MHz. Isolines of the normalized variance of Faraday angle are constructed for the anisotropic Gaussian correlation function at various anisotropy factors of irregularities. Obtained results are in a good agreement with the experimental data.
机构地区 不详
出处 《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》 2011年第11期471-478,共8页 电磁分析与应用期刊(英文)
关键词 Statistical MOMENTS Fluctuations IRREGULARITIES MAGNETIZED Plasma DEPOLARIZATION Scattering Statistical Moments Fluctuations Irregularities Magnetized Plasma Depolarization Scattering
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